GDC Austin discount code here

 Posted by (Visited 6114 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , ,
Aug 132009

I am on the advisory board for GDC Austin. That lets me give you a perk! Because you read this blog, you get 20% off your registration. Click the image above, or this link: and use the code GDCAADVISORY in the reg form. if you use it before Early Bird ends, which is well, today, then the 20% applies to the lower rate. Hurry hurry. 🙂

Casual Connect

 Posted by (Visited 9850 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Jul 212009

I will be at Casual Connect on Thursday, on a panel:

Sibley VERBECK CEO The Electric Sheep Company
Robin CHAN Founder & CEO XPD Media
Raph KOSTER Co-founder and President Metaplace

Discussion led by
Mark FRIEDLER Founder GameDaily

The World of Warcraft gets all the press and attention, but the truth is millions of gamers are logging on to casual MMO’s and virtual worlds every month. Over the last 18 months, more investment capital has been poured into this segment than any other in the games industry. Come and learn which companies will be winners of this growing category.

State of Play reports

 Posted by (Visited 11154 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , , ,
Jun 212009

I didn’t liveblog, but others did!

Tim Burke at Easily Distracted has a series of liveblog posts.

TerraNova has a thread.

Virtual Learning Worlds has a bunch of posts too:

Hakawi Tech also has several posts:

I think that I will try to write up some of the specific things I was trying to get across in the keynote as a blog post at some point, because the vaious blogs and notes all seem somewhat partial in one way or another… are backchannels damaging liveblogging? In any case, here’s the backchannels, which may not make too much sense without the original actual content being commented on!

  • gsssop « Today’s Meet is the web-based backchannel for the conference, including the rather fascinating (and to my mind, somewhat jarring) responses to the panel I was on.

Off to New York for State of Play

 Posted by (Visited 6115 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Jun 182009

I am flying off to New York in about two hours for State of Play VI. If I have the chance, I will liveblog some of the sessions… but last few conferences, I failed miserably at that, so we’ll see. 🙂

I’ll be giving a keynote all about Metaplace, and also be on a panel on the issue of whether or not virtual worlds have hit a design plateau.

I plan to be live in Metaplace tomorrow around 9:15am Eastern time, so if anyone wants to show up in Central around then, you can wave hi to all the conference folks!

State of Play VI

 Posted by (Visited 6217 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Jun 052009

State of Play VI is coming up June 19th and 20th, and I will be keynoting there and doing lots of Metaplace demoing.

I’m looking forward to this one — I haven’t made it to a State of Play conference since the first one, and it was incredibly stimulating. A great group of folks is gathering there this year, and the topics are nice and meaty: kids’ worlds, whether virtual worlds have reached a plateau, recent policy developments, and even government worries about terrorism. There’s also a Graduate Student Symposium where students will present their research.

Here’s the press release:

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