My LGWIV keynote now online

 Posted by (Visited 6337 times)  Game talk, Gamemaking  Tagged with: ,
Feb 062009

A movie of my keynote at Living Game Worlds IV is up now. You can learn about the weird connections I see between The Old 97, banjos,  copyright lawsuits, pop music, cellphones in Kenya, and molecular biology. Oh, and virtual worlds, of course.

Towards the end, I show a lot of pictures of Metaplace worlds from a few months ago. 🙂

There are also lots of presentations and sessions and panels up — I highly recommend the pioneers panel, but honestly, it was a great conference, they were all good.

Dec 242008

The “Theory of Fun” website is down, caught between two webhosts, and has been for a while (with the book out of print, it hasn’t been a priority to sort out). But I keep getting requests for the materials that were hosted there and not here, so here they are.

LGWIV: Am I miserable? :)

 Posted by (Visited 6438 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Dec 032008

David J Bailey has a nice discussion of my Living Game Worlds keynote up, in which he asks the question posed in the post title.

And there’s another take here from Matt Kelland.

And finally, this brief take at The Unexamined Life.

We saw some of the demos on our lunch break and returned in the evening for the keynote from Raph Koster. Mr. Koster was the lead designer for Ultima Online and a creative force behind Star Wars Galaxies. He prepared a delightful keynote taking us from old train yards in Spencer, NC to folk singing to the decline of the opera; always making interesting analogies to the games industry. I’m going to ask him if the video of the broadcast was recorded and if possible, get it up on YouTube. It was definitely worth hearing and has been the first thing in my life to make me miss college.

I’ll try to get my slides up tomorrow.

Takin’ the midnight train to GA

 Posted by (Visited 4896 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Nov 302008

Or the early morning flight, at any rate. Am off to Living Game Worlds IV — which is still taking walk-in registrations. (And yes, I just got back home a day ago).

Sorry for the low blog rate this past week. It was nice to be mostly offline, though. 🙂

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