Oct 022008

I forgot to blog about this when we released it, but I have some more of those handy little development tools that we’re releasing for Metaplace available here for you. There’s a particle editor that spits out sprites so you can bring them into 2d worlds easily, and there’s an animation strip editor that helps you make sprite sheets. Both of them are only available for Windows right now — sorry! — but they’re fun to mess with and might be useful to you even outside of a Metaplace context. You can grab them here. They’re basically unsupported, since I do them mostly in my free time.

Some screenshots are below. There’s full docs in the tools.

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Metaplace – Transition Tile Maker

 Posted by (Visited 7314 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with: ,
Jul 082008

Another day, another little tool release over at the Metaplace site. This one is a little helper that assists in making transition textures between different terrain tiles. Sure, some engines do blending for you, but some don’t. And some effects really require handmade transitions. Well, the Transition Tile Maker lets you make your own blend masks and share them, or use the premade ones for making transitions. We figure there’s art tasks for UGC that are kind of tedious, so why not help the process along?

You can grab it for Windows or for Intel Mac…


 Posted by (Visited 4946 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with: ,
Apr 072008

isoicon.PNGI just realized I never posted about this over here, only on the main Metaplace site. A while back I did a little tool for Metaplace users to help them make isometric walls. Nothing too fancy, and there’s higher-end tools out there for this sort of purpose, but this does do some nice stuff like help you make sloping walls, do whole batches of textures and generate hundreds of walls quickly, etc.

So here it is — free, and no guarantees. 😉

If you want to check out some of the stuff that users have made with it, there’s a  little gallery thread over on the MP website. And the latest version is generally linked here.