VW08: Technical Visionaries Debate the Future

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Sep 032008

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Technical Visionaries Discuss and Debate
The Future of Virtual World Technologies

This session will analyze the future course of virtual worlds technologies. Join us for debate between leading industry technology experts on the future of the technology, where it’s headed and what needs to be done to get there. Don’t miss this lively conversation.
– John Swords, Director of Business Development, The Electric Sheep Company (moderator)
– Ian Hughes/epredator Metaverse Evangelist, IBM
– Ben Goertzel, CEO, Novamente LLC
– Mark Wallace, Chief Executive, Wello Horld, Inc.
– Christian Renaud, CEO, Technology Intelligence Group

Mod: When we brainstormed, a common theme was that we might be at a point where it’s time to talk about VW’s 2.0. The last few years could be described as 1.0, what characterizes the changes and what is 2.0?

Ian: The 2.0 thing kind of scares people, geeky. For me, there’s stuff that is probably going to happen that breaks this avatar model. There may actally be better ways for us to interact as humans over this medium, and it may be that while we try to repicate the world and dress up in interesting ways, that there are better ways, whether it is motion tracking or other ways we choose. That may be a leap we need to take, though avatars has brought some acceptance.
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