At VW Expo Wednesday

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Sep 022008

I’m driving up to LA tomorrow morning for the Virtual Worlds Expo. I’ll be on a panel. If you’re there, say hello!

1:00 – 2:00 pm Business Visionaries Panel: Where is the Business Headed Next?
Innovation is coming fast and furious on multiple fronts from multiple vendors. This one-of-a-kind session brings together the business visionaries of major virtual world companies for an interactive discussion on the future of the industry. Join us for a session you won’t want to miss.
Ginsu Yoon, VP of Business Affairs, Linden Lab
Corey Bridges, Executive Producer, Multiverse
Michael Wilson, CEO, Makena Technologies, Inc.
Raph Koster, President, Areae
Joey Seiler, Editor, & Virtual Worlds Weekly (moderator)