Well, the actual conference may not have happened, but there was quite a nice series of events anyway. I had several appointments that occupied the first day. Then the event proper got back on track. First, the SXSW party took place, which was a nice meet and greet. Then the next day we gathered at the Hospital Club for an unconference.
I missed all the sessions (!) but it didn’t matter — the in-between and around discussions were excellent. Among other things, there was a Virtual Policy Network meeting, discussions of mirror worlds, several sessions on metrics, much discussion of kids’ worlds, and so on.
Afterwards, a group of us went to Covent Garden to keep chatting over beer, followed by dinner — mostly about the history and architecture of Second Life, the nature of a liberal arts education, the present and future of UDP, whether the food we ate was actually Mexican, and game grammar.
Alas, the nature of the unconference and the fact that I missed all the “sessions” — which were merely larger circles of chairs — means that I don’t really have any liveblogs or transcripts for you…
Today’s workshops are not taking place, so that means I basically have a day off before my flight back.