Wii Fit

 Posted by (Visited 6581 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
May 232008

Ah, the irony of writing about Wii Fit while eating a ridiculously sugar-laden donut. Oh well.

Initial thoughts:

For a while there, I thought a balance-board-shaped Clippy was going to be my personal trainer. Someone at Microsoft must be kicking themselves, realizing that after all these years, the equivalent of Clippy is outselling their console.

It’s funny to have my Mii gain weight to match me. Then it’s not.

The balance board is significantly sturdier than any given piece of kit in Rock Band. On the one hand, the balance board is meant to be stood on by people of up to 330lbs. (Not jumped on, they insist, though the game then proceeds to ask you to jump on things.) On the other hand, you are supposed to hit drums repeatedly with great force. I suppose this is a testament to how sturdily the balance board is built…

The biggest problem with Wii Fit is that it’s a grab bag of (pretty good) activities, rather than a training regimen. You seem to have to build your own regimen, and if you don’t feel like aerobics that day, you can just blow them off. It would have been nicer if the game did a little more handholding and told you what to do.

More PS3 stuff

 Posted by (Visited 56973 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Dec 132006

Today, we learned that if you take the PS3 and tell it to scan for a network when using a Linksys WRT54GL wireless router, it will (in my case at least) frotz the router and make it stop doing anything each time you scan, bringing down your whole LAN. Many power plugs were pulled and many cable boxes and computers rebooted.

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