Another Perfect World documentary on VWs
(Visited 10672 times)If you happen to be in Toronto, the Hot Docs 2009 Festival is showing a documentary I’m in called Another Perfect World (which I haven’t seen yet!). It premiered last night, but there’s another showing tonight. Thanks to Tony Walsh for the heads-up.
You can go here to learn more about the film.
Another Perfect World is a documentary about digital utopias, about online worlds created as places for work, play, friendship and love.
People have always created utopias, worlds that reflect the greatest, most enlightened and noble ideas of the period in which they live. The utopias of the future will be created online, in digital worlds capable of rendering photo-realistic depictions of whatever the mind can imagine with technologies that allow people from around the world to join in. We now have the chance to build a new world from scratch.
If you were going to do so, on which principles would you establish it? What is more important: freedom of expression; an active marketplace to encourage social interaction; or laws to define the limits of social relations?
7 Responses to “Another Perfect World documentary on VWs”
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Yah it was pretty good. I went to the premier with a bunch of strippers and philosophers (and Tony Walsh, who somehow straddles that divide) and they were all into it. I think the doc did a good job of getting past the “ooh wow, they have sex and make money” meme and into the topic of governance and conflicts between users and platform owners. Tony thought they should have given more props to the Old School version of these questions (LambdaMOO, Mr. Bungle and all that) which I sort of agree with, but you can’t do everything.
And where else can you watch EVE Online developers get naked at take a bath in a volcanic hot spring? Nowhere, I’d venture.
“And where else can you watch EVE Online developers get naked at take a bath in a volcanic hot spring? Nowhere, I’d venture”
sounds like any 1990s after web3d/siggraph meeting at the Figueroa Hotel Pool area in LA.-:(
nothing changes- just the illusions:)
Nothing is new under the virtual sun.
If only there were more stripper/philosopher confabs here. We’d have better-educated strippers and a more relaxed philosophy.
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